
Python Certification
This course focuses on Introduction to Programming and Scripting, Data Handling, Object-oriented Programming, Exception Handling, Collections and different networking concepts.
You will learn the importance of Python in real time environment and will be able to develop applications based on Object-oriented Programming concept. At the end of this course, you will be able to develop networking applications with suitable GU
fter completing this course, you will be able to:
- Know the concepts related to Python as a programming language
- Comprehend the Scripting concepts
- Understand the importance of Python in real time environment
- Understand data types, operators, decision making statements and loops
- Create and execute functions and modules (Boto3)
- Create networking application with proper GUI
- Develop applications based on Object Oriented Programming
The following professionals can go for this Python Scripting course:
- Programmers, Developers, Technical Leads, Architects
- Business Analysts
- Data Scientists, Data AnalystsBasic understanding of Computer Programming languages and basic concepts related to Data analys
Introduction to Python and Scripting Concepts
Introduction to Data types and Conditional Statements
Deep Dive into Data Types
Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn the different types of sequence structures, related operations, and their usage.
- Numbers
- Strings and related operations
- Tuples and related operations
- Lists and related operations
- Dictionaries and related operations
- Sets and related operations
- Tuple – properties, related operations, comparison with list
- List – properties, related operations
- Dictionary – properties, related operations
- Set – properties, related operations
- Function Parameters
- Global variables
- Why Python is called Object-oriented language?
- Class and Objects
- Variable scope and Returning Values
- Python files I/O Functions
- Errors and Exception Handling
- Handling multiple exceptions
- Functions – syntax, arguments, keyword arguments, return values
- Errors and exceptions – types of issues, remediation